Your Councillors

There are 16 seats on the Town Council and councillors are elected by residents every four years. The last election was in 2019. The Town is divided into four Wards, North, South, East and West. There are four seats in each Ward. Vacancies are filled either by holding a by-election or by co-option.

At the Annual Meeting of the Town Council, held each May, the councillors select a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and members of all the other Committees. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council are automatically members of all the other Committees.
The current members of the Council are listed below. You can contact any of the councillors using the email addresses below or via the Town Council Office.

The Register of Members’ Interests can be found by clicking here


Ben Rowden

South Ward


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Valerie Witton

Valerie Witton

South Ward


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I have lived and worked in the local area for over 15 years and have been resident here in Tadley for the last 6 years, drawn by this friendly and welcoming town. I am so proud to live in a town whose people are showing such generosities in their time, commitment and support to others since this pandemic arrived - real values -while maintaining a forward looking town, preparing for the future. I believe we should be shaping and developing a sustainable way of living for everyone, whilst holding on to what is of value in this rapidly changing world. It’s a fine balance, and I look forward to being a part of that challenge.

David Leeks

David Leeks

Central Ward


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I have lived in Tadley all my life, and have been a Tadley Town Councillor since 1991 and a Borough Councillor since 1995.

I serve on the following committees on the Town Council: Finance and General Purposes, Highways and Planning, Burials, Christmas Tree Working Party and Participatory Budgeting Working Party and am a trustee of the Turbary Charity and the Ambrose Allen Charity. At Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council I am Chairman of the an Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Performance Panel . I also serve on Development Control and Licensing.

Jo Slimin

Jo Slimin

Central Ward


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I became a Councillor as I was aware of the lack of facilities in Tadley and wanted to help improve them. Then I had two young sons interested in sport and I am still trying to improve them as I now have a young grand-daughter who lives in the town. Since 1986 I have worked full time and since 2002 I have worked for the Environment Agency which fits in well with my longstanding interest in environmental issues.

I am currently on the Highways & Planning, Recreation & Leisure (Chairman), Finance & General Purposes and Christmas Working Party. I represent the Town Council at meetings of the Barlows Park Management Association, Tadley Citizens Advice Bureau, Hampshire County Council transport improvements and the Youth Project. I am also the the Council’s public transport representative and a trustee of the Turbary Charity.


South Ward

Tony Flahive

Tony Flahive

South Ward


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I have lived in Tadley since 1990 and am involved in several organisations within the town, which gives me an opportunity to get involved in community matters and broaden my skills and horizons.

It is important, in my view, to give something back to the community and try to help others in any way I can whilst giving me something useful to do during my retirement.

I serve on the Finance and General Purposes, Participatory Budgeting and Personnel committees and am a trustee of the Turbary Allotment Charity (run by Tadley Town Councillors).

Ria Meiszner

East Ward


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A long way from my roots in Kent, Tadley has become my home. With a friendly community and great local facilities, it is a great place to live. I'm interested in local issues and am keen to get stuck in helping to support the town. 

Kerry Morrow

North Ward


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I moved to Tadley in 2015 and have been made to feel very welcome. I grew up in nearby Burghfield Common, so I know the area well. I've put to use the great facilities in Tadley including the swimming pool, golf course, shops and takeaways. I am a keen birdwatcher and feel lucky to have the woodland and heathland on our doorstep. I joined the Council to help in any way I can and to get more involved with the Tadley community and organisations.

Avril Burdett

Avril Burdett

North Ward


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I have lived in Tadley since 1984 and have been a Councillor since 1999. I used to be the AWE's Public Affairs Manager and met many Councillors in my work. I was impressed with the work they do at a grass roots level, how they strive to improve our community and represent the interests of the people of Tadley.

I am currently the chairman of Tadley Town Council. I serve on the Finance and General Purposes, Highways and Planning, Recreation and Leisure, Burials (vice chairman), Personnel (vice chairman) committees and I am a trustee of the Turbary Charity. I represent the Town Council at meetings of the Basingstoke District Association of Town and Parish Councils, Hampshire Association of Local Councils and the National Association of Local Councils. I am also a member of the AWE Local Liaison Committee.

Steven Neilson

North Ward


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Sue Mullan

Sue Mullan

North Ward


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I used to be a nurse and midwife in the Royal Berks in Reading. I then worked as a PA for my husband's accountancy firm in London. I have lived in the area for all of my life and have been a Councillor for 19 years. I became a Councillor because I didn't agree with some of the decisions being made by the Town Council at that time. My interests as a Councillor are Highways and Planning (chairman) and Finance and General Purposes and also the future of Tadley. 

I feel that often Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council make decisions that go against recommendations made by Tadley Town Council. I am also a Trustee of the Ambrose Allen Charity, I feel it is important that there are sufficient facilities provided for our aging population.

I also represent the Town Council on the AWE Local Liaison Committee.

Warwick Lovegrove

Warwick Lovegrove

Central Ward


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Cllr Lovegrove is a member of the Highways & Planning and Finance & General Purposes Committees and represents the Town Council at meetings of Heath End Village Hall Trust. He is also a trustee of the Turbary Charity.

Mandy Atkinson

East Ward


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I am passionate about local issues and committed to making a difference to lives of local people in the area.  I enjoy helping people with all sorts of problems and having more involvement within my community.     I hope that I can play a part in helping Tadley continue to improve and prosper whilst keeping a sense of community.

Ian Hankinson

Ian Hankinson

East Ward


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I am transport manager for a large stationery company based in Basingstoke. I am also a professionally qualified Youth Worker and am keen on seeing the development of projects and facilities for young people in the area.

I first became a Councillor in 1998 and feel this is the best way I can offer something back to the Community in which I live.

I am a member of the Recreation & Leisure, Finance & General Purposes, and Personnel (chairman) committees and am also a trustee of the Turbary Charity.

Ann Morrow

East Ward


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Chris Spence

Central Ward


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